Bee Friendly NB

Bee Friendly NB

Inviting farms, organizations & gardeners to make pollinator friendly sites across Carleton County and beyond!

Take our Pollinator Friendly Pledge and help us build a corridor of habitats for our pollinator friends.

Bee Friendly Take the Pledge!

We are deeply dependent on pollinators. Their work sustains our ecosystems by helping plants reproduce and they’re responsible for providing one third of the food we eat! We rely on more than just bees; in fact, there are over 1,000 species of pollinators in Canada…which include butterflies, bats, beetles, birds, and other insects & small mammals. Sadly, dramatic declines in pollinator populations are happening all over the world. Climate change, disease, pesticides, invasive species & loss of habitat are all taking a toll. Let’s do our part to “bee the change” and support our pollinating friends!


  • Protect and Plant Native Plants
    Native plants have evolved over time with local pollinators and habitats, so are just what pollinators need. They’re also easy to grow since they were born to be here!
  • Plant for Pollinators
    Plan a garden that is rich in diversity. Choose flowers of various shapes, sizes & colours. Plant the same species together in clusters (about 4 ft diameter, rather than scattering). Avoid invasive species. Buy heirloom annuals & avoid modern hybrids (which often have nectar & pollen production bred out). Grow plants that bloom at different times throughout the year so there is always something on offer.
  • Avoid Pesticides
    Harmful chemical residues can collect on pollen, which is consumed & brought back to the colony/nest. Pesticides are linked to detrimental effects on pollinators’ reproduction, navigation and memory. Insecticides pose the greatest threat.
  • Protect Pollinator Habitat
    Pollinators find a tidy landscape & manicured lawn very unfriendly. Leave some leaves & keep some mess! Insect populations rely on dead branches, logs & twigs for nesting and overwintering sites. Create some bare ground patches for ground-nesting bees. Ensure safe access to clean water. Consider building a pollinator hotel. Wait until early spring to cut down perennial gardens. Don’t rake up all the leaves in the fall.
  • Support Local Bees & Beekeepers
    Buying local honey & bee products support our region’s beekeepers & honeybees, along with reducing carbon emissions from shipping products far & wide.
  • Reduce my Impact
    As pollinators are dramatically affected by our collective actions, supporting organic, buying less, reducing our carbon footprints & preserving natural spaces are all a part of the solution.
  • Become Informed & Engaged
    A lot of knowledge can be gained by keenly observing the pollinators in our own surroundings. Many great books & online resources also exist, along with fun citizen science initiatives. (Here are just a few:,, Consider signing up for Bee Friendly Farm (BFF) Certification through
  • Spread the Word
    Let’s talk with friends and teach children about what we’re learning & doing. Share seeds & tips with neighbors & fellow gardeners and tell local & provincial government officials that we care about pollinator health.
  • Be Part of the corridor
    By taking this pledge you are bridging your garden with other bee friendly landscapes, co-creating a pollinator corridor in our region! This is an initiative of Bee Friendly NB through the Knowlesville Art & Nature Centre. Send in your name and address and we’ll put you on our map! Email here!

Bee Friendly Pollinator Corridor Map

Do not miss this experience!

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