About Us

About Us

Welcome to The Knowlesville Art & Nature Centre!

We welcome you to discover a unique learning opportunity for all ages.

The Knowlesville Art & Nature Centre is a not-for-profit rural learning centre based in South Knowlesville, Carleton County, New Brunswick.

The KANC is committed to providing a holistic learning environment for children and adults in the Knowlesville area. The mission of the centre is to provide a space where the community can gather, learn, dream and explore creative projects that enrich the social fabric and environmental stewardship of the area.

These goals are intended to reflect an ongoing process that happens over time as children, youth, adults and elders are given opportunities to grow and learn together.

The mission is translated into practice through five broad educational goals:
1. Opportunities for Lifelong Learning: Accessibility for all ages.
2. Holistic education through art, gardening, woodworking, bushcraft and forest stewardship.
3. Instill respect in the natural environment.
4. Practice responsible,
knowledgeable citizenship.
5. Encourage community resilience through seeking reciprocal relationships & responsible actions.
The land on which we depend and care for is located on the unceded & unsurrendered territory of the Wəlastəkwiyik.

Do not miss this experience!

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